» PDF Gap Selling Getting the Customer to Yes How ProblemCentric Selling Increases Sales by Changing Everything You Know About Relationships Overcoming Objections Closing and Price Audible Audio Edition Keenan A Sales Guy Publishing Books
Bryan Richards on Sunday, 2 June 2019
PDF Gap Selling Getting the Customer to Yes How ProblemCentric Selling Increases Sales by Changing Everything You Know About Relationships Overcoming Objections Closing and Price Audible Audio Edition Keenan A Sales Guy Publishing Books

Product details - Audible Audiobook
- Listening Length 5 hours and 47 minutes
- Program Type Audiobook
- Version Unabridged
- Publisher A Sales Guy Publishing
- Audible.com Release Date January 7, 2019
- Language English, English

Gap Selling Getting the Customer to Yes How ProblemCentric Selling Increases Sales by Changing Everything You Know About Relationships Overcoming Objections Closing and Price Audible Audio Edition Keenan A Sales Guy Publishing Books Reviews
- The best book on selling that I’ve read in ten years. And I read all of them. Get ready for the ride of your life, this book debunks all of the so call “axioms†about selling that you have heard over the course of your career. In this book the author “Keenan†(don’t ask I didn’t) Handles all of that sticky stuff that slows down, nay, just about kills your sales effort.
Here are some of the more cogent examples from the book
• The customer does not care about you. The customer does not care about your company, or how long it has been in business, or how it started. The customer only cares about one thing, and that is, what can you do for her?
• The sales person is dead You are a consultant, an advisor, an expert, someone who is a peer, someone, the customer comes to rely on for valuable solutions.
• Customers don’t buy from friends Or drinking buddies, or golf partners. Customers, buy from someone who can bring them value…yes, even if they don’t actually like that person.
• Customers do like change. Heck, they will embrace change, if you can prove to them that it will make their product, and their company better.
• Show them the future Customers will change, when the future you show them is better than the present, they told you they liked.
• Customers will return your phone calls and answer your emails If they are provocative enough. If the messages surprise them and if they are intrigued. You don’t like to answer boring sales calls, why should your customer?
And there is so much more. The author shows you how to move the customer off the dime when he is stalling. Or, how to get her to talk and into telling you what they need, by asking her a series of questions that will drive her to let you solve the problems for them.
I started sending this book out to some of my sales training clients, even before I finished it tonight. Please, if you are the kind of person who never reads a book on sales, start today with this one. Or, if you are the kind of person who is reading sales books all the time, grab this one next. Heck, stop reading the one in your hand right now and pick this one up. I guarantee it is better than the one you’re reading now.
. - Keenan has written a timeless classic that will help any salesperson who's stuck in mediocrity or who's looking to sharpen the saw with the latest thinking in terms of sales best practices. This book was recommended to me by a recognized sales leader and Linkedin colleague. So, I'm not a fan or a client of Keenan's. Well, I'm so glad I purchased this book. I finished it 3 days.
Gap Selling provides a fresh framework and approach to hitting and exceeding your number. Some of the topics it covers include Knowing the Game, How to Play, Gap Prospecting and Building a Gap-selling team. Keenan dispels some commonly held beliefs and practices in terms of sales that are holding people back from reaching their potential.
What I really appreciated about this book was it's brutal honesty, its deep insights, and the fact that it was well-written. Some salesbooks have tremendous content but aren't well written. Gap Selling is the best of both.
I highly recommend that you read this book. If you're like me and are in sales leadership, buy a copy of it for your team as a New Year's Gift. They'll love you for it. - I can't say enough about this book and how ever-present it is in my mind as I go about my daily routine and the immediate impact it's had in my meetings. Questions are better. Conversations are richer. Insights are deeper. Problems are revealed. Value is higher. Much higher. Further, it places a new perspective on sales and actually clarified for me WHY I love sales It's because I'm solving problems. Keenan teaches, our JOB is solving problems and if we can't diagnose our prospects' & customers' challenges, there is NO SALE. I have the hardcover (signed by the Red Plaid Man himself!) and the audio book. I've listened once and am going to listen again (and again), this time with the hardcover by my side, so I can mark it up and leverage the materials (PIC, etc.) provided. With each listen and read, new approaches will be revealed and it will be woven even more tightly into my process.
Simply put If you're in the business of SOLVING PROBLEMS (sales) - and who isn't - you need to grab this book NOW.
Thank you, Keenan. - It is a must to first know your market and customers to then be able to position your solution for customer outcomes and know the value of the outcome based upon the pain being experienced by your prospects. Marketers, read the book, refresh your focus, target customer definitions and messaging to your customers and support your sellers.
Content is so important to sales and marketing and being consistent with the messaging regardless of channel is critical. Keenan describes selling to the Gap between desired outcome and current state. The bigger the gap, the bigger the pain and the bigger the need to fill that gap.
This is a great read for both sales and marketing to drive the revenue engine. Marketing it is our job to fuel that engine, this is a good read to get on the same page with your sellers.