» Download The Language of Sycamores Tending Roses Lisa Wingate 9781984804235 Books
Bryan Richards on Saturday, 27 April 2019
Download The Language of Sycamores Tending Roses Lisa Wingate 9781984804235 Books

Product details - Series Tending Roses (Book 3)
- Paperback 304 pages
- Publisher Berkley (February 26, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1984804235

The Language of Sycamores Tending Roses Lisa Wingate 9781984804235 Books Reviews
- This book should be the sequel to Tending Roses. The characters are already in place and is beautifully written in the same vain as Tending Roses. Good Hope Road actually works better as the third book because the characters are introduced in Sycamores. When you read Hope Road as the third book it makes alot more sense. When I read Tending Roses, I just didn't want it to end. Then picking up Good Hope Road I was looking for a continuation and its all different characters, so I was very happy to find all those beautiful people in Language of the Sycamores. Then I went back and read Good Hope Road, that's why I said the above comments.
- Lisa just has a way of pulling you into the story and creating characters you just want to know. I feel like I'm reading about real people, and finishing a book actually makes me feel sad if I don't know if there's a sequel. There's always an engaging plot and several sub-plots that skillfully weave in the characters you've come to know from other books.
- Great story of family lost, forgotten and found again. Accepting and loving all persons born into the family or those who are chosen. Learning the important things in life aren’t what you can work for or buy in years of loyalty to careers. That doesn’t always give back. It’s family and being real and open to those you love that fills your heart with rewarding bonds.
- This takes you back to your childhood. When we heard the music and the whispers in the trees and the wind. Where our imaginations went unbridled by adulthood and all the trappings of success. True success is found in our faith and the music of our hearts. Those whispers and the music....could be the whispers of our GOD.
- Another book to love from such a talented author! The characters from Good Hope Road, the previous book, reappear and their lives have changed again, but for the better. Mystery about their relationships is solved and I find myself looking forward to the next book in this series, but I don't want the series to end!
- I really enjoyed all three of the Tending Roses books. Very easy reading and the messages concerning the important aspects of life were right on target. The only problem I have with these books is the price of The Language of Sycamores book that I received. It was a very used paperback book and it actually cost more than the new book Good Hope Road.
- This is the third of the "Tending Roses Series" It is just as wonderful as the previous two books of this warm series. Book 1Tending Roses....Book 2Good Hope Road.
I believe each book can be read on their own, but hope you can read each book in order because the wonderful characters or their decendants appear in the books that follow.
This book is a warm, heartfelt story, sometimes sad and sometimes quite humorous. A very entertaining story.
Lisa Wingate is one of my favorite writers whom I have recentlly discovered. Plan to read all she writes. - I have now read the Tending Roses series. Lisa Wingate is a great author. Her stories are captivating, but not "over the top". She doesn't try to include each and every social ill that is in our world today. She attracts an audience of people who enjoy a good story with the right amount of challenge and solution.
The perfect book for nice, quiet afternoon or an evening by the fireplace.