PDF 2046 de Wong Karwai Nathalie Bittinger Books

L'immense succès rencontré par In the Mood for Love (2000) a assuré la
renommée mondiale de Wong Kar-wai. Ce cinéaste de Hong Kong, à la foi
s si chinois et si universel, ne saurait être réduit à cette seule oeu
vre « culte ».Le spectateur attiré par la belle et triste histoire d'a
mour de M. Chow et Mme Chan en appréciera davantage la richesse avec 2
046, film qui inscrit les errances sentimentales de M. Chow dans un ra
pport problématique à la temporalité, celle-là même de l'histoire de H
ong Kong passée et à venir.Ce petit livre donne les clés de compréhens
ion du film et en fait ressortir tant l'importance thématique que la f
orce narrative. Lisible par tous, lycéens, étudiants, il retiendra l'a
ttention des admirateurs de Wong Kar-wai et de tous ceux qui suivent l
a montée en puissance des cinémas d'Asie.Nathalie BITTINGER, agrégée d
e Lettres modernes, effectue des recherches en littérature et cinéma Ã
l'Université de Paris VIII-Saint-Denis.
PDF 2046 de Wong Karwai Nathalie Bittinger Books
"Although only half way through the book, it is obvious that the author is very intent to pound a square peg into a round hole. Not stated in the book but in an on-line interview [...]she states that she is viewing the book through the socio-critical approach of Claude Duchet, not a household name with little available in English. This means that she is focused almost exclusively on political implications of the film. While clearly present, the political implications of the date of 2046 and the political/social future of Hong Kong do not play the major role in the film. Seems to me the Wong Kar Wai's obsession with impossible love, missed love, too late or too early love is the centerpiece of the film."
Product details

Tags : 2046 de Wong Kar-wai (9782200351359) Nathalie Bittinger Books,Nathalie Bittinger,2046 de Wong Kar-wai,Armand Colin,2200351356,TL2200351356
2046 de Wong Karwai Nathalie Bittinger Books Reviews :
2046 de Wong Karwai Nathalie Bittinger Books Reviews
- Although only half way through the book, it is obvious that the author is very intent to pound a square peg into a round hole. Not stated in the book but in an on-line interview [...]she states that she is viewing the book through the socio-critical approach of Claude Duchet, not a household name with little available in English. This means that she is focused almost exclusively on political implications of the film. While clearly present, the political implications of the date of 2046 and the political/social future of Hong Kong do not play the major role in the film. Seems to me the Wong Kar Wai's obsession with impossible love, missed love, too late or too early love is the centerpiece of the film.