Read Online Candide ou l'Optimisme Annotated French Edition eBook Voltaire

By Bryan Richards on Monday, 29 April 2019

Read Online Candide ou l'Optimisme Annotated French Edition eBook Voltaire

Download As PDF : Candide ou l'Optimisme Annotated French Edition eBook Voltaire

Download PDF Candide ou l&#39Optimisme Annotated French Edition eBook Voltaire

Candide, ou l’Optimisme est un conte philosophique de Voltaire paru à Genève en janvier 1759. Il a été réédité vingt fois du vivant de l’auteur (plus de cinquante aujourd’hui) ce qui en fait un des plus grands succès littéraires français.

Anonyme en 1759, Candide est attribué à un certain « Monsieur le Docteur Ralph » en 1761, à la suite du remaniement du texte par Voltaire. Ce titre ronflant donne tout de suite le ton au lecteur qui pourrait hésiter sur le genre de l’ouvrage conte ou essai ? Art mineur ou art noble ? L’auteur prend, dès les premières lignes, position contre la noblesse aux titres bien plus ronflants que celui-ci. Et que dire du nom du soi-disant docteur Ralph ? Rien de plus qu’une onomatopée qui ne laisse aucun doute sur le ton de cette œuvre (voir Thunder-Ten-Tronckh, le château de la situation initiale). Cette œuvre si ironique dès les premières lignes, ne laisse aucun doute sur l’origine de l’auteur, qui ne pouvait faire partie que des Lumières. Et de là à pense

Read Online Candide ou l'Optimisme Annotated French Edition eBook Voltaire

"Voltaire had an interesting and sometimes tumultuous relation with "The Church" and religious thought of his time. In Candide, he takes great pains to ridicule the writings of both Milton and Alexander Pope, more specifically the latter in An Essay on Man, in which both writers attempt to "vindicate the ways of God to man". To understand this, or better, to have read these writings will further illuminate what Voltaire is attempting in Candide.
Candide is the protagonist and is a seemingly good-hearted but rather simple fellow whose mentor, Pangloss, teaches him that no matter what happens it is always for the best. As a note, pay attention to each of the main characters names as they seem to me to have a descriptive quality to them, e.g. Pan, meaning "all" and gloss from the Greek glossa, meaning tongue, to get a name that roughly means "all talk".
The story begins with Candide and his love interest being suddenly separated and the events of his life from there. What follows in the story is a series of horrible events mixed with some virtuous ones that Pangloss continuously explains to Candide that whatever happens is for the best.
Even if you have no philosophical interest, the book is both funny and sad, entertaining yet thought provoking with a couple of memorable passages. I consider it a pretty good read and, as a bonus, a quick one."

Product details

  • File Size 360 KB
  • Print Length 107 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1978124287
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date July 14, 2017
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language French

Read Candide ou l&#39Optimisme Annotated French Edition eBook Voltaire

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