» Download Hoot Carl Hiaasen 9780440419396 Books
Bryan Richards on Thursday, 30 May 2019
Download Hoot Carl Hiaasen 9780440419396 Books

Product details - Age Range 10 and up
- Grade Level 5 - 6
- Lexile Measure 0760 (What's this?)
- Paperback 292 pages
- Publisher Yearling; Reprint edition (December 27, 2005)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0440419395

Hoot Carl Hiaasen 9780440419396 Books Reviews
- * SPOILER * I discuss part of the book in this review. Don’t keep reading if you don’t want to know more.
I liked most of the story but I guess I’m tired of the stereotype of the big dumb jocks beating up the little nerdy kid story line. And not sure how I feel about Roy setting up Dana so that he goes to juvie. I don’t want my kids reading this for that reason. Maybe I’m just feeling extra sensitive about kids who have been born into crappy families but I felt bad for Dana. It made it hard for me to enjoy the rest of the story knowing Roy set him up. Not that Dana’s behavior was exemplary at all but setting him up where he ends up at juvenile detention seemed a bit extreme.
It was also confusing to me that Roy would try to find a way for his head and heart to come together to get help for the owls but didn’t use the same logic when dealing with Dana. And somehow his parents never found out about it either... hmmm. Honestly, I kept expecting him to tell his parents what he knew about Dana and have them help him intervene somehow to make it better. He told them about Beatrice’s situation so why not Dana’s? Total disconnect for me.
And maybe there was no other way but I felt like it was a missed opportunity for Roy and his parents to not have that conversation together.
Otherwise I liked the book. I really enjoyed the first half of the book a lot. But the second half was a let down for me. - Originally i picked up "Razor Girl" and thoroughly enjoyed it. So I ordered his four best sellers.
I should have been a bit more diligent. The four I ordered [SCAT, CHOMP, HOOT and FLUSH] are all "young adult books".
I have now read all four and they were very good. I am now passing them on to my grand children. Good plots and characters. Great messages and all very good reads. - It’s YA, but it’s written by Carl Hiaasen, so it’s a great story. Memorable characters, good story line, humor, and delightful to read/listen to. Reminds me of some of Dave Berry’s books. I’m in my 70’s, so am not a young adult, but this book should appeal to everyone.
- What a fun book. Great literature for avid upper elementary and middle school readers. Even a fun and quick read for adults. Well written mystery with plenty of positive messages for young people. Highly recommend this book.
- This is a sweet book. My heart bleeds for little Mullet Hands and for all the kids with useless parents. The contrast between Roy's life filled with loving events and two parents who adore him sharply contrasts with the lives of the bullies that he faces. Kids joining together to save little burrowing owls provides a quick summation after a glance into complicated lives of these Florida kids. Unfortunately, the kids warped by their strange parents remain unchanged by anything or anyone and go on to continue as older versions of themselves.
- My 10 year old daughter loves this book so much she has read it countless times. There are some themes for discussing with your kiddo (homelessness of teenage boy and abusive relationships), but the book was a great read. I also liked that it brought awareness to taking care of nature and respecting endangered species. Great buy.
- Excellent audio book read by Chad Lowe, Rob's brother. He does a great job of adding character to the reading. I used this in my 6th grade class and they enjoyed it. Overall, well worth the price.
- Highly recommend these books for tweens. We have all that he wrote for kids, hoping for more. There might be minor cuss words-depends on how you feel. I read these aloud to my son, we both enjoy them. It's always interesting to read books based on areas you are familiar with.