» Read Joy Enough A Memoir Sarah McColl 9781631494703 Books
Bryan Richards on Saturday, 25 May 2019
Read Joy Enough A Memoir Sarah McColl 9781631494703 Books

Product details - Hardcover 176 pages
- Publisher Liveright; 1 edition (January 15, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1631494708

Joy Enough A Memoir Sarah McColl 9781631494703 Books Reviews
- Utterly gobsmacked by Sarah McColl’s debut memoir JOY ENOUGH. A deeply loving tribute to a mother from a daughter. A daughter who watched a vibrant mother who raised four children, had many ups and seemingly more downs, but got right back up, and then one down that she couldn’t get up from – cancer, which eventually took her life. This daughter, who had one big down, divorce, that could have sucked the life out of her, did not let it get in the way of spending critical time with her mother.
McColl’s prose is positively lyrical. She speaks for her mother and through her mother. The ending will astound you. As in knock the wind out of you, bring a smile to your face so wide, and bring big puddles of tears to your eyes.
Thank you, Sarah, for sharing the joy of your mother with us. - This memoir is exquisite. Familiar, precise, and painful; gorgeous, luxurious, and, in rare and surprising moments, laugh-out-loud funny. Anyone who has loved, and then stopped, can relate. Anyone who has loved someone that much, and walked through their dying, can relate. As can anyone who has been a daughter who loved her mother. Or who has been accused of making too much meaning out of small matters. McColl makes words do unusual things yet aims always to communicate more than to dazzle. Quite simply, an astonishing book.
- I have been looking for writing on grief, and here it finally is. Short of Year of Magical Thinking— JOY ENOUGH has cut through the beginning of my 2019 like a lightening bolt. Cannot recommend highly enough for those looking for writing on grief, or, writing on life.
- "I loved my mother, and she died. Is that a story?"
I was captivated from the first sentence of this lyrical, fragmented memoir, and my attention was held through tears and laughter and heartbreak and joy until even after the final sentence. This is a book that begs to be re-read and savored again, and I will be heeding that call. - This book made me cry. It's gorgeously written and so quietly affecting that you hardly realize you've been under a spell as you're reading.
- I loved this memoir. Sarah speaks of the big things we all experience love and loss with a feminine and poetic voice. This is a book that lingers with you after you are done. I highly recommend reading it. It will make you cry at the fragility of love and at the same time deeply understand the value of it.
- Joy Enough is a beautiful, well-crafted memoir. I cried--I cried at home, I cried in the car, I cried at the office. I sent a copy to my mom.
- This book broke my heart wide open in the best possible way. It is a short read but full of love and the complexity of life. I am sharing with all of my friends. You should read it.