» Read Online The Unvaccinated Child A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers Eli Camp Nd Dhanp Judith Thompson Nd Lac Fabno Judith Boice Books
Bryan Richards on Friday, 31 May 2019
Read Online The Unvaccinated Child A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers Eli Camp Nd Dhanp Judith Thompson Nd Lac Fabno Judith Boice Books

Product details - Paperback 286 pages
- Publisher Vital Health Publishing, LLC (November 1, 2017)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0999516523

The Unvaccinated Child A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers Eli Camp Nd Dhanp Judith Thompson Nd Lac Fabno Judith Boice Books Reviews
- I really loved this book. My daughter is 5 months and we haven’t vaccinated her. At first we were planning to on an alternative schedule but recent research, documentaries and books have made us second guess that. I now feel not only comfortable with our decision not to vaccinate, but confident that we are making the right choice.
- Fabulous information!! It has completely transformed the health of our whole family!! I have tried the remedies and protocols and they WORK! Natural healing takes time, your body NEEDS time!! Learn to let your childs body heal, and how best to support their systems! The negative reviews on here are CLEARLY trolls. My family is living breathing, unmediated proof that natural healing works.
- This book offers a clear pathway to wellness for parents who are unwilling to subject their children to the toxic vaccines offered to them by a science-for-profit, science-for-hire medical and pharmaceutical industry. To date, no comprehensive study has been done comparing the health care outcomes of vaccinated children to unvaccinated children. This study is an absolute necessity, and should be done now, and done free of influence by the medical/pharmaceutical industries who are in business to sell pharmaceutical products. This study would answer meany questions raised in the current debate over vaccine safety. But available information, from sources not corrupted by their connection to the vaccine industry, show that the more vaccines given to children, the worse are their health care outcomes. Conversely, the unvaccinated child, given the same conditions and environment, is far far healthier, brighter, more adept at learning, and freer from learning disabilities and auto-immune diseases which plague the vaccinated population. This is an excellent, helpful book.
Ellen Rixford...Board Member and Trustee of the Foundation for the Advancement in Cancer Therapies - Excellent book for every parent and family member who will care for babies and young children. Explanations and specifics details on what to look for and how to manage infections is well described. Will be making this my new baby gift for new parents. I knew there were answers and education besides just giving vaccines that do more harm than the infection and I found it. Parents need not be afraid but educated when doing the most important job of their lives. Education is key and this does a great job.
- I'm a nurse and have wanted to try some holistic remedies for myself and my kids. I actually learned a lot from this book! I think its an awesome resource, whether you vaccinate or not. There is a lot of information about how to support the immune system with common things around the home (like making your own bone broth, herbs, essential oils). For a lot of these illnesses, conventional medicine is lacking. I love that this helps give straightforward advice and homeopathic remedies that are easy to understand and follow. Throughout the book, it recommends working alongside a physician, so I don't get the negative reviews.
- I've only had this book for a few days but it is already becoming a valuable asset. Whether you choose to vaccinate or not, this is a very practical book to help with common illness and supporting the immune system.
I love that the recipes are easy to follow and breaks down illness and natural treatments. The only thing that I would improve is to better link remedies to which illnesses each is good for in the recipe section.
Overall I'm very happy with my purchase. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 - Wow! Just wow! I was mailed a signed copy of this book by Dr. Camp and I have to tell you, this is a very thorough guide on how to treat your child should he or she get sick. It starts out with an overview of a number of natural therapies and how they are used, and then moves into natural treatment protocols for every infection there is a vaccine for. There is no need whatsoever for vaccines (and there never was - read Dr. Humphries' book Dissolving Illusions to understand the story of vaccination and how we have been lied to about safety and efficacy) because at the end of the day, what "protects" a child from an infection is a strong and robust immune system. This book gives clear guidance on how to do exactly that, but with natural therapies, not toxic injections that suppress immune function. Even if your child is vaccinated, this book is for you. And if your child is unvaccinated, get this book to have peace of mind that no matter when or how your child gets sick - from minor to major - you will have an excellent treatment resource guide written by two experienced doctors to guide you through the healing process. This book is much cheaper than a doctor's visit! Buy it now so you'll have it ready to go if/when your child gets sick!!! DISSOLVING ILLUSIONS Dissolving Illusions Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History
- very informative about diseases that might afflict any child and great resource about natural remedies including different teas and healing properties of some plants/herbs/fruits.