Download PDF Bartlett Familiar Quotations Geoffrey O'Brien John Bartlett 9780316017596 Books

More than 150 years after its original publication, BARTLETT'S FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS has been completely revised and updated for its eighteenth edition. BARTLETT'S showcases a sweeping survey of world history, from the times of ancient Egyptians to present day. New authors include Warren Buffett, the Dalai Lama, Bill Gates, David Foster Wallace, Emily Post, Steve Jobs, Jimi Hendrix, Paul Krugman, Hunter S. Thompson, Jon Stewart, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Barack Obama, Che Guevara, Randy Pausch, Desmond Tutu, Julia Child, Fran Leibowitz, Harper Lee, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Patti Smith, William F. Buckley, and Robert F. Kennedy. In the classic BARTLETT'S tradition, the book offers readers and scholars alike a vast, stunning representation of those words that have influenced and molded our language and culture.
Download PDF Bartlett Familiar Quotations Geoffrey O'Brien John Bartlett 9780316017596 Books
"I have used the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations for years, and am presently using their most recent edition.
Bartlett's is far more comprehensive and includes many more of the words surrounding the actual quote so you can see it in context.
This adds impact and better understanding to the quotation itself."
Product details

Tags : Bartlett's Familiar Quotations [Geoffrey O'Brien, John Bartlett] on . More than 150 years after its original publication, BARTLETT'S FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS has been completely revised and updated for its eighteenth edition. BARTLETT'S showcases a sweeping survey of world history,Geoffrey O'Brien, John Bartlett,Bartlett's Familiar Quotations,Little, Brown and Company,0316017590,Quotations,Quotations, English,Quotations, English.,Dictionaries of quotations,Language Arts Disciplines/Rhetoric,REFERENCE / Dictionaries,REFERENCE / Quotations,Reference,Rhetoric
Bartlett Familiar Quotations Geoffrey O'Brien John Bartlett 9780316017596 Books Reviews :
Bartlett Familiar Quotations Geoffrey O'Brien John Bartlett 9780316017596 Books Reviews
- Between the 15th Edition and the 18th Edition..75 pages have been eliminated from the earliest times to Lincoln. I fear that some of the giants have been shrunk to make room for quotations of some of the pygmies that are more modern. The baby has been thrown out with the bathwater. The book continues to be indispensable...but keep your
old editions for ready reference with the new ones as you acquire them. - I have used the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations for years, and am presently using their most recent edition.
Bartlett's is far more comprehensive and includes many more of the words surrounding the actual quote so you can see it in context.
This adds impact and better understanding to the quotation itself. - This big book is a must have for quotation fans.
Why in the age of Google and an internet flooded with quotations sites would we need a big heavy book of quotations?
One word serendipity.
With this great book, you can page through and randomly find amazing quotations. Or you can read the book in order, which is chronological. What a way to discover great thinkers, writers and statesmen!
I love to randomly open a page and just see what interesting quote I can find.
Of course the other reason to buy this book is organization.
It is well indexed by key word and also organized by whom is quoted, in chronological order.
What a fantastic desk-top resource this is. - Bartlett's is very 'familiar' to me, as my Mother used to read this all the time when we were growing up. It was always open and well-referenced for many years. As a result all of her (8) children LOVE it too.
I also believe Bartlett's Familiar Quotations shaped us into avid and curious readers. Highly recommend for every person/family. - I bought this because a character from the film "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" references it a lot, so I thought it'd be a cool read.
I have paged through it repeatedly now, and have yet to find an interesting quote. Each quote inside seems randomly chosen from a play or poem, none of which are profound in any way. Maybe there's a few buried inside, but needless to say this was money poorly spent.
Half the book is a useless glossary as well.
If you have a specific use for this book, buy it. For me it's just a doorstop. - This Bartlett's is a new version than the one I grew up with. It's still a fertile resource for much wisdom, humor, and plain old common sense. I've always liked the way it is collated, by date. I use quotes from it at least a couple of times a week what with the letters I send. Much wisdom in between its covers. A valuable resource. .
- If you rely on the written or spoken word to sway the opinion of others, this is a must have for your reference resources.
While there are a number of online resources, they do not compare to having a hard copy on your desk. There are a number of problems with many of the online quote sources. The attribution is often questionable. Bartlett's is the authority on attribution.
The collection is in chronological order, alphabetical by author. There is an extensive index by subject matter. You should be able to find just the quote you are searching for in a matter of minutes.
I have found this to be an invaluabe resource.
I have also discovered many authors and philisophers that I wanted to learn more about from simply browsing through this collection.
There is nothing like the appropriate quotationn to give credibility to your speaking or writing. If you are serious about your work, you really should add this to your collection of resources. - Caveat Emptor!
I got hornswoggled by this one!
This is NOT *the* Bartlett's Familiar Quotations that you grew up with. It is, however, a facsimile reprint of the first edition of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations. So, it is only good if you are 1) curious about the first edition, 2) a hard-core quote-ophile, or 3) cheap, like I was.
This book is not a complete waste, and I didn't return it, since it does have some uses, such as for casual browsing, a cheap gift to an ex or in-law, or even as a bathroom book.
(I can't believe that we have a word for such books!)
The draw backs to this book are that there is no order to the quotes. He starts out with obvious Shakespeare, but everything else is somewhere between haphazard and helter-skelter. Most of the sections are lines from long-forgotten poems that were old in Bartlett's day. There is also no index. Craziness! But probably industry standard in the 1800's.
The cover is very bland--white, with the the title in black and Brady Bunch Orange. Nice conservative colors, such as deep blues or greens, with a marble frame-border would help this book out.
So, if you want a cheap gift or a mediocre/next to useless quote-book, buy this book. But if you want the Bartlett's you grew up with, get the expensive hardbound.