Download PDF Songs of a Sourdough Audible Audio Edition Robert W Service Jonathan Ostrander Spoken Realms Books

By Bryan Richards on Saturday, 11 May 2019

Download PDF Songs of a Sourdough Audible Audio Edition Robert W Service Jonathan Ostrander Spoken Realms Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 1 hour and 29 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Spoken Realms
  • Release Date March 22, 2019
  • Language English, English

Songs of a Sourdough Audible Audio Edition Robert W Service Jonathan Ostrander Spoken Realms Books Reviews

  • This is my favorite collection of poems by the Bard of the Yukon. While many academics pooh pooh Robert Service as a lowbrow, untalented excuse for a poet, those of us who grew up in Alaska or the Yukon find that his poems resonate profoundly in the deepest core of our being. When Service is at his best, his words stir my heart of hearts like no other poet. When I was just a pup in the wilds of Alaska, I was mesmerized when I first his poetry recited by an old bearded sourdough by the light of a candle, as I warmed my bones by a Yukon stove. A lot of Arctic winters have come and gone since then, but his treasured words still wield the same power as they did when I first heard them by candlelight so many years ago. The poems also bring back the crunch of my snowshoes at 82 below zero, the dancing splashes of color from the Northern Lights, the haunting silence of the boreal forest hibernating under deep snow, the sweet smell of woodsmoke, and the laughter of friends who were closer than family. A century after the Yukon Gold Rush, the words of Robert Service still sing to me.
  • Do not buy this edition. I bought it before an Alaska trip and made the mistake of not opening it before we left. When I tried to read it, I found the print was so small, it was completely unreadable, but now it is over 7 days so I cannot return it. I tried enlarging the print, but that didn't help. So glad I didn't pay a lot for this book, but still - no sense in spending even $2 on something that can't be read. Very disappointing. (Funny - I can actually read the page if I take a picture of my , then enlarge the photo on my phone... But to read it directly from the just doesn't work.)
  • I had a collection of his books and read them repeatedly, and learned the lesson of not lending your favourite books to anyone! So here again I have through , my timeless poet back again. He has such a flair for story telling in rhyme that it is a joy to read aloud, which I have done in public many times. His stories are harsh reality tempered with deep humour, flat out grey hued but also painted in vibrant colours, funny, sad, rough, and always believable. These times are history, and I am sure that nobody can write this genre to compare with Robert Service. I love him because he is one of a kind.
  • Its pages of photos of the original book photographed in B&W.
    Interesting view.. but it could have been done better.
    I drove to Dawson City with my father not even knowing until we started the trip that is was the works of Robert Service that was pulling is north.. So I am always looking for a new way for him to experience these works that affected him from his youth.
    This is different from just a book.. but it could have been done so much better.
  • Robert W. Service is a critical figure in American poetry for two reasons. His historical content is essential for understanding the northwest expansion of both Canada and the United States, and it's so readable! To expand one's literary background and forte', I highly recommend sampling this book and other pieces of his poetry.
  • Hubby and I spent the summer in Alaska this year. After seeing a play that contained a reading of "The cremation of Sam McGee" I downloaded this book. This year, some of the "strange things done in the midnight sun" included reading Robert W. Service.
  • I saw from of the previous reviews that the print is too light to read on a but I thought that meant that maybe if you just strained a little you could read it. However, I found out that what they were saying is true. I can't read it; the printing is to light. I'm glad I didn't spend more than $1.99 on it.
  • I love this book but this particular volume can not be read. The print is too light and will not darken and is too small and can not be magnified. This is the only book I have that cannot be magnified. I am sending it back.