PDF Roadside Geology of Southern British Columbia Bill Mathews Jim Monger 9780878425037 Books

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Roadside Geology of Southern British Columbia Bill Mathews Jim Monger 9780878425037 Books Reviews
- For people, especially amateur geologists, or for those with an interest in the landscape they drive by or fly over,this is a superb book to have as a reading companion in many places--stopping by a roadside, viewing the land below from an airplane seat, or on a leisurely trip aboard a train. "Roadside Geology of British Columbia" is a "must have" when planning a trip on the highways and byways of the province, especially for those people with a continuing interest in learning about our planet.
- This book on the Roadside Geology of Southern British Columbia was just what we needed prior to our planned trip next summer on the Canadian Rail across Canada. We wanted to read all about what we are going to see, because on a train can't turn around just to look at it again. Be prepared. We'll take the book with us.
- Roadside Geology of Southern British Columbia may be the most detailed and information-dense title in the Roadside Geology series. The two authors carefully describe the province's convoluted geology with clear explanations and engaging references to early settlement by Europeans. The reader learns how this magnificent landscape formed and a lot about geological processes in general. It's a great read, even for someone who never visits British Columbia.
- A good review of the geology in BC. You should be a geologist or have a good knowlege of geology to understand it.