PDF Workers An Archaeology of the Industrial Age Sebastião Salgado 9780893815509 Books

By Bryan Richards on Saturday, 4 May 2019

PDF Workers An Archaeology of the Industrial Age Sebastião Salgado 9780893815509 Books

Download As PDF : Workers An Archaeology of the Industrial Age Sebastião Salgado 9780893815509 Books

Download PDF Workers An Archaeology of the Industrial Age Sebastião Salgado 9780893815509 Books

More than those of any other living photographer, Sebastião Salgado's images of the world's poor stand in tribute to the human condition. His transforming photographs bestow dignity on the most isolated and neglected, from famine-stricken refugees in the Sahel to the indigenous peoples of South America. Workers is a global epic that transcends mere imagery to become an affirmation of the enduring spirit of working women and men. The book is an archaeological exploration of the activities that have defined labor from the Stone Age through the Industrial Age, to the present. Divided into six categories--”Agriculture,” “Food,” “Mining,” “Industry,” “Oil” and “Construction”--the book unearths layers of visual information to reveal the ceaseless human activity at the core of modern civilization. Extended captions provide a historical and factual framework for the images. An elegy for the passing of traditional methods of labor and production, Workers delivers a message of endurance and hope.

PDF Workers An Archaeology of the Industrial Age Sebastião Salgado 9780893815509 Books

"The photography of Sebastiao Salgado certainly isn't disappointing, but this Aperture book is. It's nicely manufactured and would be a pleasure to browse if not for one feature that ruins it, at least for me. Horizontal images are presented as a double-page spread -- in other words, you have the book open and a single photo is spread across the left and right pages, across the gutter. True, the alignment is good, but I find it impossible to ignore the vertical line where the pages meet; it spoils the composition.

If you yourself can tolerate that, the book is well made and worth the price."

Product details

  • Paperback 400 pages
  • Publisher Aperture (June 15, 2005)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0893815500

Read Workers An Archaeology of the Industrial Age Sebastião Salgado 9780893815509 Books

Tags : Workers An Archaeology of the Industrial Age [Sebastião Salgado] on . More than those of any other living photographer, Sebastião Salgado's images of the world's poor stand in tribute to the human condition. His transforming photographs bestow dignity on the most isolated and neglected,Sebastião Salgado,Workers An Archaeology of the Industrial Age,Aperture,0893815500,M_8159,Documentary photography;Exhibitions.,Photography, Artistic;Exhibitions.,Working class;Pictorial works;Exhibitions.,ART / Collections, Catalogs, Exhibitions / General,Archaeology,Art,Collections, Catalogs, Exhibitions - General,Documentary photography,EXHIBITION CATALOGS,Exhibition catalogues and specific collections,Exhibitions,GENERAL,Latin America,Museum, historic sites, gallery art guides,Non-Fiction,Photo Techniques,Photoessays Documentaries,Photography,Photography / Individual Photographers / General,Photography, Artistic,Pictorial works,Scholarly/Undergraduate,United States,Working class,1944-,Salgado, Sebastiao,

Workers An Archaeology of the Industrial Age Sebastião Salgado 9780893815509 Books Reviews :

Workers An Archaeology of the Industrial Age Sebastião Salgado 9780893815509 Books Reviews

  • I can't really critique this book, because I don't have the language. The photographs are beyond amazing, the layout of the book is disappointing, with pictures running across the gutter. I understand that that allows larger reproductions, but many of the pictures are damaged by having their centers obscured.
    I'd have been happier with turning the book an its side to see slightly smaller but un-bent images.
  • I was a photography student at UCSD when the traveling exhibition reached La Jolla, in 1996/1997. The book itself was released in 1993. I went to the Geisel library and checked out a copy. The photographs of the Serra Pelada mine hit me hard. The composition, subject matter, film type were all things that I studied. I couldn't afford the book as a student and got it 20 years later for my birthday. Revisiting the book and imagery has almost the same effect the images are breathtaking and sensitive. The story told is of the death of the industrial age, or decline of it. 20 years on, some of these jobs are gone or close to extinct, like the Mattanza in Sicily. The title rings truer now than it did back then. I recommend if you're a fan of Salgado, 35mm photography, and black and white. I also recommend his new one, Genesis.
  • Salgado books are amazing. The only problem one has is allocating enough time to really savor a book of this scope and really understanding how he did it. Bravo!
  • Mr. Salgado's work has always amazed me. I own other books of his and kept meaning to buy this one. If you love incredible photography or if you are a fan of Mr. Salgado's this book is a must purchase. This is a huge addition to my collection of photo / art books.
  • The photography of Sebastiao Salgado certainly isn't disappointing, but this Aperture book is. It's nicely manufactured and would be a pleasure to browse if not for one feature that ruins it, at least for me. Horizontal images are presented as a double-page spread -- in other words, you have the book open and a single photo is spread across the left and right pages, across the gutter. True, the alignment is good, but I find it impossible to ignore the vertical line where the pages meet; it spoils the composition.

    If you yourself can tolerate that, the book is well made and worth the price.
  • Excellent coffee table sized book. This book is printed finely and includes the great study of "Workers" by Sebastiao Salgado. Very well done. One of the photo classics.
  • I was lucky enough to see this wonderfully humane expose and photographic genius while it was on tour at The Philadelphia Art Museum years ago. At that time, I passed up buying this book at the Museum and regretted and searched in stores for it years later.

    If this book were on everyone's coffee table and looked at page by page ... there would be much more respect and much less oppression in the world. Good people would see to that.
  • I wish everyone on earth had this book. Brilliant, powerful. I hope people see the movie about Salgado. Whenever anyone asks me who my heroes are, I say Sebastiao Salgado.