Read Getting to Calm CoolHeaded Strategies for Parenting Tweens + Teens Updated and Expanded Laura S Kastner Jennifer Wyatt 9780990430643 Books

By Bryan Richards on Saturday, 4 May 2019

Read Getting to Calm CoolHeaded Strategies for Parenting Tweens + Teens Updated and Expanded Laura S Kastner Jennifer Wyatt 9780990430643 Books

Product details

  • Series Getting to Calm
  • Paperback 304 pages
  • Publisher Parent Map; 2 edition (June 21, 2018)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0990430642

Getting to Calm CoolHeaded Strategies for Parenting Tweens + Teens Updated and Expanded Laura S Kastner Jennifer Wyatt 9780990430643 Books Reviews

  • NOT A FAKE REVIEW!!! Please read This book has saved my relationship with my daughter. Period. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the wonderful suggestions and tips for parenting/interacting with teens. My daughter even jokingly says at times, "You need to go to the book about this issue". From the bottom of my stressed mommy heart, THANK YOU! -)
  • I think that I will like this book if I'm able to buy the proper version. At present, when you purchase the Teen Years version on you get the cover for that version but the text from the Early Years book. This is frustrating, so I returned the version. Once they fix this glitch I will purchase it again and probably like it as much as others that read the right book and update the review accordingly.
  • Highly recommended!! Excellent book written with a wonderful engaging down to earth style. Useful modern real world situations and examples that are current in today's times with how-to and not-how-to respond and relate annotated comments. I had the pleasure to attend an in-person talk by the author Laura S. Kastner sponsored by our school district, which was arguably the best presentation I've ever attended as a parent. The book is written in the same engaging conversation style as her in-person talk.
  • I just got around to opening the book and all the content is geared toward parents of younger kids. The book is for the Early years, no tweens and teens. Because the book order was placed over 7 days ago I cannot return it and, of course, doesn't provide a place for me to make a complaint. I would appreciate being sent the right book. , step up your game!
  • Love this book! Wish I had read it sooner. Fantastic as it helps to set realistic expectations for the teen years. When I am frustrated by a behavior (or lack of one), I often think back to this book to see if the expectation was realistic. Also using several suggestions in the book for handling thorny topics like electronics and grades. I definitely recommend this for everyone who is or is about to enter the teen years with their children!
  • I think this book has great strategies and examples for dealing with teens in an even-handed, fair way, that doesn't leave you hung out to dry.

    It's amazing how your sweet little kid can quickly become aggressive and manipulative and cause you to start fighting on their level. This book gave me some great tactics to diffuse these situations without getting over emotional and not walk away feeling like I've been taken advantage of.

    I go back a re-read parts all the time. It's like Ferberizing your teen!
  • This book was really helpful in helping me and my husband get on the same page with our son, and to help us both develop a little more empathy all the way around. Definitely recommend if your house is turning into a pressure cooker.
  • If there are children in your life, buy this book and read it cover to cover. I only wish I'd had it when my son was younger, though the insights are still helpful as he approaches 20. The authors do an incredible job of explaining "your brain on adolescence", giving readers enough science to take the blame away from US, the often confused and frustrated (to put it mildly) parents. Understanding that a lot of what we see as impossible behavior is essentially kids doing the job of growing up, and knowing there are actual strategies for coping, is not only comforting, but incredibly productive. This book lays it all out and gives you a PLAN, with real-life examples which render the strategies practical and accessible. It's intelligent, sympathetic, comprehensive, and easy to grasp, while never condescending. Just read it ... you'll thank me.