Read A Year of Positive Thinking Daily Inspiration Wisdom and Courage Cyndie Spiegel 9781641522410 Books

By Bryan Richards on Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Read A Year of Positive Thinking Daily Inspiration Wisdom and Courage Cyndie Spiegel 9781641522410 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 266 pages
  • Publisher Althea Press (December 11, 2018)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1641522410

A Year of Positive Thinking Daily Inspiration Wisdom and Courage Cyndie Spiegel 9781641522410 Books Reviews

  • You know how you buy those inspirational page-a-day calendars (let's be honest, someone "gifted" you that thing) and you start out gleefully tearing away every day until like March when you forget all about it? Then you see it again in October and feel guilty so you tear 6 months worth of cheerful "you can do its" off and toss them in the trash and still don't remember to use it till February of the next year? No? Just me then.

    This book is not like that.

    Yes, the format is divided into daily nuggets. Yes, the aforementioned nuggets are short and straightforward. But this book isn't exclusively for 2019, so you can use it again and again. The wisdom Cyndie imparts is timeless and yet rooted in the present. Bonus, you don't have to throw anything away.

    Cyndie's daily entries can be used as a daily writing prompt, a morning meditation , an evening reflection, and a fun email signature. They are short and to the point, respecting my time and my intelligence.

    If you've never had the opportunity to hear Cyndie speak (and you should definitely do that), this is the next best thing. Cyndie has taken it upon herself to free women of the fear of needing permission. Her speeches, social media, and communities bestow it liberally and in perpetuity. She challenges us to stand in our truth- or sit with our pain- until we strip away everything that does not serve us and uncover what does. She gives us permission to show up, just as we are. Most importantly she makes us pinky swear never to ask for permission again.

    So, if you think you need some of that in your life. This book is for you.

    P.S. This isn't just for women. I bought this for all of the people in my life, regardless of gender.
  • I began reading Cyndie's book at 530 am one Saturday when I could not get myself to sleep in. I have a lot of anxiety, and sometimes that leaves me unable to really relax and sleep for more than a few hours a night. I decided to dive into Cyndie's book, and by the end of the intro I was already misty-eyed. WOW. It was like Cyndie was speaking to me, identifying exactly what I needed to hear about positive psychology and serving it up with a realness that I couldn't plug my ears to. I know I'm supposed to read this book day by day, but I am pouring through March as I pause to write this review. There are a lot of journals and giftable books out there that promote positively thinking and daily wisdom, but Cyndie's book is SO. MUCH. BETTER. Even I, an anxiety-ridden pessimist who is skeptical of most advice, have been enthralled with "A Year of Positive Thinking" since page 1.
  • I heard Cyndie Spiegel speak this summer, and it was an incredible experience. Cyndie is a dynamic speaker with a simple, yet revolutionary, message for women. This book is designed to change the way you think through daily doses of truth and positivity. Cyndie brings her trademark honestly, wisdom and wit. I purchased a copy for myself, as well as one for my Mom. After reading the book, I plan to purchase several more to give as client gifts. If there is someone in your life who you want to encourage and inspire, this is the perfect gift.
  • I had the pleasure seeing Cyndie speak in person and couldn't believe the seismic shift that couple of hours made in my life. This beautiful book is poised to help me continue. The graphics and color choices are very appealing and make me want to keep it on the coffee table, but it will be at my bedside to give me wisdom in the morning. I love that it is set up as a thing to be touched daily, and presented in a way that you can pick up any time of year. Cyndie is the first person to claim the mantle of inspiring individual that I didn't roll my eyes at, she's relatable and genuine, and it absolutely carries through to her written words. I've been looking for ways to learn more of a growth mindset, this is gospel at the school my kids attend and I believe it will only improve our family unit if we are all able to have that mindset. This is the first tool aimed at grown ups that has resonated for me and I'm excited to put it to use.
  • What a gem of a book this is! Cyndie Spiegel has compiled quotations, mantras, writing exercises, and a ton of positive thoughts suitable for readers of any age (beyond maybe 13 or so). I enjoyed it so much that I bought a copy for one of my teenage piano students with the hope that she will feel supported by the positive energy and encouragement to follow her dreams. I really wish I had had a book like this earlier in my own life to help get through some difficult times, but it's never too late. My 88-year-old mother wants to read my copy next! The book is formatted by the twelve months (a “chapter” per month) with a quote, thought or exercise for each day of the year. I read it over a period of a week so I could review it, but I loved what I was reading so much that I'm not sure I could ever limit myself to one quote per day. I really love that Spiegel underscores variations on “you are enough” and that she acknowledges that grief, hurt and bad times are a very real part of life rather than viewing things through the proverbial rose-colored glasses. The majority of the book revels in the beauty of life and the possibilities we all offer by being our true selves, but this is NOT a book of fluff pieces, unicorns and rainbows. Life can get tough and Spiegel offers some excellent coping mechanisms and the encouragement to learn the lessons that hard times offer and move on. Ms Spiegel has an avid new fan in me and I hope to spread the word about this beyond excellent book.
  • I knew I would love this book as I have found every interaction with the author, Cyndie to be quite enjoyable and positive. Her energy is beautiful. However, I am surprised how I find myself feeling so strongly about how others in my life may find the book inspirational, that I keep ordering more so I can give them away. I am always excited to see what Cyndie does next - and will stay in the moment and enjoy the next years daily inspirations. If there is another daily type inspirational book in your future my only request is to not forget a day to honor those leap year babies ;)!